Hier finden Lehrende und Lernende Materialien und Informationen rund um das Fach Englisch.

Proofreading and Improving

Ideen zum Korrekturlesen und Verfeinerung der Sprachqualität

 "Grammatical Correctness: "the basics on one A4-sheet"

You want to improve your English and receive more language credits in tests? Then have a look at this overview. 

Proofreading in groups, also known as Correcting Circle
A piece of homework that has actually been done should be appreciated. Proofreading is not easy. Therefore, get together in groups of three or four and practise division of labour.

Process Writing Use the marking and comments to rewrite your own text. Improve your product. This is what you are expected to do, e.g. in personal statements when you apply for a job.

Grammatical Correctness
Here are reminders of basic grammatical rules, "Grammatical Correctness, on one A4-sheet. They come in handy when proofreading what you or someone else have written. - You can easily brush up your basic grammar with these interactive exercises.

Text Types
There are also instructions for some text types, e.g. for personal and formal letters, newspaper"articles and letters to the editor", personal statements, argumentative essays.

What is correct and what is not?
English is a world language with several Englishes. There is no authority like the  "Académie francaise" that defines right and wrong. However, you must

  • make sure people understand, e.g. by using "tenses" correctly.
  • be polite so that people will listen, e. g. when you mediate.

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