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Voices on Britain and Europe

Europa aus englischer und deutscher Sicht, offene Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen ab Klasse 10

The European Union
Over the last few decades, the European Union has been changing a lot and it in turn has changed Europe. In times of peace and prosperity the European Union is very much taken for granted. Not so in times of crisis when people wonder what it is there for and why it has so much power.

"Ever-closer union"
Germany and Great Britain, both members of the European Union, have different histories and, consequently, rather different views on any further European integration. But both countries share common values, which makes them natural allies on some issues.

For the argument's sake
In the audio file that is available below, a German and a British teacher gave voice to popular views on Europe and the European Union in early 2013. There are differences of opinion but there is some common ground as well.
Listeners may or may not agree and they can make up their own minds.

The tasks below require

  • A preliminary research on the EU
  • Listening for gist and note-taking
  • Making notes for contributions in class


  • Practising listening skills
  • Forming one's own views on the European debate
  • Picking up  "discussion phrases"
  • Using them to express one's own views

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Quelle: https://www.schule-bw.de

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