Le contraire !

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<head><meta name="author" content="Created with Hot Potatoes by Half-Baked Software, registered to Richard Nisius."></meta><meta name="keywords" content="Hot Potatoes, Half-Baked Software, Windows, University of Victoria"></meta>
Le nouveau portable

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">



// BrowserCheck Object

function BrowserCheck() {
	var b = navigator.appName
//HBS extension
	this.mac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') != -1)
	if (b=="Netscape") this.b = "ns"
	else if (b=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = "ie"
	else this.b = b
	this.version = navigator.appVersion
	this.v = parseInt(this.version)
	this.ns = (this.b=="ns" && this.v>=4)
	this.ns4 = (this.b=="ns" && this.v==4)
	this.ns5 = (this.b=="ns" && this.v==5)
	this.ie = (this.b=="ie" && this.v>=4)
	this.ie4 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0)
	this.ie5 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0)
	this.min = (this.ns||this.ie)
	this.CRAPBrowser = (this.ie && this.mac); //Cannot Resolve Addresses Properly

is = new BrowserCheck();

var LocFolder = GetFolder(window.location.href);
function GetFolder(LocPath){
	LocPath = ReplaceStuff('\'','%27',LocPath);
	var i = LocPath.lastIndexOf('/');
	if (i<0){i=LocPath.lastIndexOf('\\')};
	return LocPath.substring(0,i);

function CombineURLs(InURL){
	var i = InURL.indexOf('../');
	var s = LocFolder;
	while (i >- 1){
		s = GetFolder(s);
		InURL = InURL.substring(3,InURL.length);
		i = InURL.indexOf('../');
	return s + '/' + InURL;

x = new Array();
function ResolveURLs(InText,Attribute){
	var Temp = InText.toLowerCase();
	var z;
	var AttLen = Attribute.length + 2;
	var y=Temp.lastIndexOf(Attribute + '="');
	while (y>-1){
		var sLoc = y+AttLen;
		if (Temp.substring(sLoc,sLoc+5) != 'http:'){
			x[x.length]=new Array();
			x[x.length-1][0] = sLoc;
			z = Temp.indexOf('"',sLoc);
			x[x.length-1][1] = z;
			x[x.length-1][2] = InText.substring(sLoc,z);

		Temp = Temp.substring(0,y);
		y=Temp.lastIndexOf(Attribute + '="');
	for (var j=0; j<x.length; j++){
		InText = InText.substring(0,x[j][0]) + CombineURLs(x[j][2]) + InText.substring(x[j][1], InText.length);
	return InText;

function ResolveAllURLs(Stuff){
	Stuff = ResolveURLs(Stuff,'href');
	Stuff = ResolveURLs(Stuff,'src');
	Stuff = ResolveURLs(Stuff,'parent.location');
	return Stuff;

var ExBGColor = '#F8eccb';

var PageBGColor = '#f6d4af';

var NavBarColor = '#ffbb99';

var TextColor = '#000066';
var CurrQNum = 0;
var YourScoreIs = 'Ton pointage est :'; //'Your score is: ';
var Tries = 0;
var CorrectChoices = 0;
var ContinuousScoring = true; //true;
var CorrectFirstTime = 'R&#233;ponses correctes la premi&#232;re fois : '; //'Questions answered correctly at first try: ';
var ExerciseTitle = 'Le nouveau portable'; //
var ExerciseSubtitle = 'R&#233;pondez. Dites toujours le contraire.'; //
var Instructions = 'Tape ta r&#233;ponse et clique sur "Correction".'; //'';
var ShuffleQs = true; //true;
var CorrectResponse = 'Correct!';
var TheseAnswersToo = 'Ces r&#233;ponses sont &#233;galement correctes :';
var ThisMuchIsCorrect = 'Cette partie de ta r&#233;ponse est correcte :';
var TheseWordsAppear = 'Ces mots font aussi partie de la r&#233;ponse :';
var IncorrectResponse = 'Erreur, essaie &#224; nouveau';
var EnterGuess = 'Fais un essai :';
var GiveHint = 'Indice :';
var TheseCorrect = 'Bonnes r&#233;ponses :';
var CaseSensitive = false;
var QsToShow = 10; //number of questions from the set to be used each time
var ShowOneByOne = true;
var ReadingURL = '';
var FocusBoxes = true;
var Score = '';
var FinalScore = '';

var PreviousPage = history.length;

var NavBar='';

NavBar+='<tr><form name="NavButtons1" action=""><td bgcolor="#ffbb99" align="center">';
NavBar+='<font face="Geneva,Arial" size="-1">';

NavBar+='<input type="button" value="Index" onclick=\'parent.location="index.htm"\'></input>';

NavBar+='<input type="button" value="Exercice suivant" onclick=\'parent.location="mix1.htm"\'></input>';
if (is.CRAPBrowser){NavBar = ResolveAllURLs(NavBar);}

var TitleCode = '<tr><td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#f6d4af">';
TitleCode += '<font size="+1" face="Geneva,Arial" color="#ff0000">' + ExerciseTitle + '</font><br />';
TitleCode += '<font size="-1" face="Geneva,Arial" color="#ff0000">' + ExerciseSubtitle + '<br />';
TitleCode += '</font></td></tr>';

var QButtonsOpener = '<table border="0" width="85%" cellpadding="10">';
QButtonsOpener += '<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><form action="">';
QButtonsOpener += '<font size="+1"><input type="button" value="&lt;=" onclick="parent.ChangeQ(-1)"></input>';
var QButtonsCloser = '<input type="button" value="=&gt;" onclick="parent.ChangeQ(1)"></input>';
QButtonsCloser += '</font></form></td></tr></table>';

var TableOpener = '<table border="0" width="85%">';
var QRow = '';
QRow += '<tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#F8eccb" align="right" width="15%">';
QRow += '<font size="+1" face="Geneva,Arial" color="#000066">[QNumber]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>';
QRow += '<td valign="top" bgcolor="#F8eccb"><font size="-1" face="Geneva,Arial" color="#000066">[Question]<br />&nbsp;';
QRow += '</font></td></tr>';

var ARow = '<tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#F8eccb">';
ARow += '<font face="Geneva,Arial" color="#000066"><form name="QForm[QNum]" action="" onSubmit="parent.TrapReturn(false,[QNum]); return false;">[AnswerBox]</form></font></td></tr>';

var BtnRow = '<tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#F8eccb"><form name="Buttons[QNum]" action="">';
BtnRow += '<input type="button" name="Check" onclick="parent.CheckAnswer(false,[QNum])" value="Correction"></input>';

BtnRow += '</form></td></tr>';

TableCloser = '</table>';

var LongAnswer = '<textarea name="Guess" cols="20" rows="3" wrap="virtual"></textarea>';
var ShortAnswer = '<input type="text" name="Guess" size="[AnswerSize]"></input>';

function GoBack(){
	var BackSkip = history.length - PreviousPage;
	if (BackSkip > 0){

function TrapReturn(ShowHint,QNum){
//if not yet answered correctly, call CheckAnswer
	if (Status[QNum][0] < 1){
//otherwise, move on to the next question if showing serially
		if (ShowOneByOne == true){
			setTimeout('ChangeQ(1)', 50);

function ReduceItems(){
	var ItemToDump=0;
	var j=0;
	while (I.length > QsToShow){
		ItemToDump = Math.floor(I.length*Math.random());
		for (j=ItemToDump; j<(I.length-1); j++){
			I[j] = I[j+1];
		I.length = I.length-1;

function Shuffle(InArray){
	Temp = new Array();
	var Len = InArray.length;

	var j = Len;

	for (var i=0; i<Len; i++){
		Temp[i] = InArray[i];

	for (i=0; i<Len; i++){
		Num = Math.floor(j  *  Math.random());
		InArray[i] = Temp[Num];

		for (var k=Num; k < j; k++) {
			Temp[k] = Temp[k+1];
	return InArray;

function WriteFeedback(Feedback) {
	if (is.CRAPBrowser){Feedback=ResolveAllURLs(Feedback);}
//Build the output string
	var OutString = '';
	OutString += '<html>';
	OutString += '<body  background="" bgcolor="#f6d4af" text="#000066" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000cc">';
	OutString += '<center><table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="85%">';
	OutString += NavBar;
	if (Feedback.length>0){
		OutString += '<tr><td bgcolor="#F8eccb" align="center">';
		OutString += '<font face="Geneva,Arial" size="-1" color="#000066">';
		OutString += Feedback;
		OutString += '</font></td></tr>'
	OutString += '</table></center></body></html>';
//Write it to the frame

function StartUp(){

//Write the top frame

	if ((is.mac)&&(is.ns)) {
		FocusBoxes = false;

//Reduce array if required
	if (QsToShow < I.length){

//Shuffle stuff if required

	if (ShuffleQs == true){
		I = Shuffle(I);

//Create arrays

//Show the first question or all of them
	if (ShowOneByOne == false){

//Focus the first box
	var Box = eval('BottomFrame.document.QForm0.Guess');
	if (Box != null){

I = new Array();

I[0] = new Array();
I[0][0]='Ton fr\u00E8re t\'a-t-il aid\u00E9e \u00E0 choisir ton nouveau portable ?';
I[0][1] = new Array();
I[0][1][0] = new Array();
I[0][1][0][0]='Non, il ne m\'a pas aid\u00E9e.';

I[1] = new Array();
I[1][0]='Tu utilises toujours (= encore) ton vieux t\u00E9l\u00E9phone ?';
I[1][1] = new Array();
I[1][1][0] = new Array();
I[1][1][0][0]='Non, je ne l\'utilise plus.';

I[2] = new Array();
I[2][0]='Tu as jamais envoy\u00E9 des MMS (messages multim\u00E9dia) ?';
I[2][1] = new Array();
I[2][1][0] = new Array();
I[2][1][0][0]='Non, je n\'en ai jamais envoy\u00E9.';

I[3] = new Array();
I[3][0]='Tu as souvent fait des photos avec l\'appareil photo num\u00E9rique int\u00E9gr\u00E9 ?';
I[3][1] = new Array();
I[3][1][0] = new Array();
I[3][1][0][0]='Non, je n\'en ai gu\u00E8re fait.';
I[3][1][1] = new Array();
I[3][1][1][0]='Non, je n\'en ai jamais fait.';

I[4] = new Array();
I[4][0]='Est-ce que tu avais \u00E9conomis\u00E9 quelque chose pour le payer ?';
I[4][1] = new Array();
I[4][1][0] = new Array();
I[4][1][0][0]='Non, je n\'avais rien \u00E9conomis\u00E9.';

I[5] = new Array();
I[5][0]='Tu as encore le m\u00EAme op\u00E9rateur de t\u00E9l\u00E9communications (<i>Telefonbetreiber</i>) ?';
I[5][1] = new Array();
I[5][1][0] = new Array();
I[5][1][0][0]='Non, je ne l\'ai plus.';
I[5][1][1] = new Array();
I[5][1][1][0]='Non, je n\'ai plus le m\u00EAme op\u00E9rateur.';
I[5][1][2] = new Array();
I[5][1][2][0]='Non, je n\'ai plus le m\u00EAme op\u00E9rateur de t\u00E9l\u00E9communications.';
I[5][1][3] = new Array();
I[5][1][3][0]='Non, je n\'ai plus le m\u00EAme.';

I[6] = new Array();
I[6][0]='Tu as t\u00E9l\u00E9charg\u00E9 des sonneries polyphoniques ?';
I[6][1] = new Array();
I[6][1][0] = new Array();
I[6][1][0][0]='Non, je n\'en ai pas t\u00E9l\u00E9charg\u00E9.';
I[6][1][1] = new Array();
I[6][1][1][0]='Non, je n\'en ai pas encore t\u00E9l\u00E9charg\u00E9.';

I[7] = new Array();
I[7][0]='Tu as donn\u00E9 ta nouvelle adresse \u00E0 tout le monde ?';
I[7][1] = new Array();
I[7][1][0] = new Array();
I[7][1][0][0]='Non, je ne l\'ai donn\u00E9e \u00E0 personne.';
I[7][1][1] = new Array();
I[7][1][1][0]='Non, je n\'ai donn\u00E9 ma nouvelle adresse \u00E0 personne.';
I[7][1][2] = new Array();
I[7][1][2][0]='Non, je n\'ai donn\u00E9 mon adresse \u00E0 personne.';

I[8] = new Array();
I[8][0]='Tu trouves la technique tr\u00E8s difficile ?';
I[8][1] = new Array();
I[8][1][0] = new Array();
I[8][1][0][0]='Non, je ne la trouve pas du tout difficile.';
I[8][1][1] = new Array();
I[8][1][1][0]='Non, je ne la trouve pas difficile du tout.';
I[8][1][2] = new Array();
I[8][1][2][0]='Non, je ne la trouve pas difficile.';

I[9] = new Array();
I[9][0]='Moi, je ne peux pas utiliser mon t\u00E9l\u00E9phone mobile avec un ordinateur portable. Et toi?';
I[9][1] = new Array();
I[9][1][0] = new Array();
I[9][1][0][0]='Moi, je ne peux pas l\'utiliser non plus avec un ordinateur portable.';
I[9][1][1] = new Array();
I[9][1][1][0]='Moi, je ne peux pas non plus l\'utiliser avec un ordinateur portable.';
I[9][1][2] = new Array();
I[9][1][2][0]='Je ne peux pas l\'utiliser non plus avec un ordinateur portable.';

Status = new Array();

function CreateStatusArrays(){
	Status.length = 0;
	for (i=0; i<I.length; i++){
		Status[i] = new Array();
		Status[i][0] = 0; // question done or not
		Status[i][1] = 0; // wrong checks
		Status[i][2] = 0; // hints asked for
		Status[i][3] = ''; // student's answer
		Status[i][4] = 0; // score for this question

function ReplaceStuff(Token, Replacement, InString){
	var i = InString.indexOf(Token);
	var FirstBit = '';
	var LastBit = '';
	while (i>-1){
		FirstBit = InString.substring(0, i);
		LastBit = InString.substring(i + Token.length, InString.length);
		InString = FirstBit + Replacement + LastBit;
		i = InString.indexOf(Token);
	return InString;

function ChangeQ(ChangeBy){
	var NewNum = CurrQNum + ChangeBy;
	if ((NewNum >= 0)&&(NewNum<I.length)){
		CurrQNum = NewNum;

function BuildQuestion(QNum){
	var Temp = ReplaceStuff('[Question]', I[QNum][0], QRow);

//Measure the answers and find out what kind of
//box to show
	var Longest = 5;
	for (var i=0; i<I[QNum][1].length; i++){
		if (I[QNum][1][i][0].length > Longest){
			Longest = I[QNum][1][i][0].length;

	var AnsBox = '';

	if (Longest > 20){
		AnsBox = LongAnswer;
		AnsBox = ReplaceStuff('[AnswerSize]', (Longest + ''), ShortAnswer);

	var AnsRow = ReplaceStuff('[AnswerBox]', AnsBox, ARow);

	Temp += AnsRow;
	Temp += BtnRow;

	Temp = ReplaceStuff('[QNumber]', QNum+1, Temp);
	Temp = ReplaceStuff('[QNum]', QNum, Temp);

	return Temp;

function DisplayExercise(StuffToDisplay){
//Build the output string
	var OutString = '';
	OutString += '<html>';
	OutString += '<body background="" bgcolor="#f6d4af" text="#000066" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000cc">';
	OutString += '<center><table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="85%">';
	OutString += TitleCode;
	OutString += '<tr><td bgcolor="#F8eccb" align="center">';
	OutString += '<font face="Geneva,Arial" size="-1">';
	OutString += StuffToDisplay;
	OutString += '</font></td></tr>';
	OutString += NavBar;
	OutString += '</table></center></body></html>';

	if (is.CRAPBrowser){OutString=ResolveAllURLs(OutString);}

//Write it to the frame

function ShowAllQs(){
	var Output = '';
	for (var i=0; i<I.length-1; i++){
		Output = Output + BuildQuestion(i);
		Output = Output + '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr></hr></td></tr>';
	Output = Output + BuildQuestion(I.length-1);
	Output = TableOpener + Output + TableCloser;

function ShowQuestion(QNum){
//First, create the Q number readout at the top
	var Readout = (QNum+1) + '/' + I.length;
	while (Readout.length < 7){
		Readout = ' ' + Readout + ' ';
	Readout = QButtonsOpener + Readout + QButtonsCloser;

	var Output = BuildQuestion(QNum);

	Output = TableOpener + Output + TableCloser;

	DisplayExercise(Readout + Output);

//Replace the student's answer

	var Box = eval('BottomFrame.document.QForm' + QNum + '.Guess');
	if (Box != null){
		if (Status[QNum][3].length > 0){
			Box.value = Status[QNum][3];

function TrimString(InString){
        var x = 0

        if (InString.length != 0) {
                while ((InString.charAt(InString.length - 1) == '\u0020') || (InString.charAt(InString.length - 1) == '\u000A') || (InString.charAt(InString.length - 1) == '\u000D')){
                        InString = InString.substring(0, InString.length - 1)

                while ((InString.charAt(0) == '\u0020') || (InString.charAt(0) == '\u000A') || (InString.charAt(0) == '\u000D')){
                        InString = InString.substring(1, InString.length)

                while (InString.indexOf('  ') != -1) {
                        x = InString.indexOf('  ')
                        InString = InString.substring(0, x) + InString.substring(x+1, InString.length)

                return InString;

        else {
                return '';


function RemovePunctuation(InString){

var OutString = '';
        for (i=0; i<InString.length; i++){
                if ((InString.charAt(i) == '.') || (InString.charAt(i) == ',') ||(InString.charAt(i) == ';') || (InString.charAt(i) == ':') || (InString.charAt(i) == '!') || (InString.charAt(i) == '?') || (InString.charAt(i) == '"')){}
                else {
                        OutString += InString.charAt(i);
        return OutString;

function CheckBeginning(Guess, Answer){
var OutString = '';
var i = 0;
        while (Guess.charAt(i) == Answer.charAt(i)) {
                OutString += Guess.charAt(i);
        return OutString;

function CheckEnd(Guess, Answer){
var i=0;
var j=0;
var OutString='';
        i = Guess.length;
        j = Answer.length;
        while (Guess.charAt(i) == Answer.charAt(j)){
                OutString = Guess.charAt(i) + OutString;
        return OutString;

function FindLongest(InArray){
	if (InArray.length < 1){return -1;}

	var Longest = 0;
	for (var i=1; i<InArray.length; i++){
		if (InArray[i].length > InArray[Longest].length){
			Longest = i;
	return Longest;

function CheckWords(Guess, Answer){
        var Start = 0;
        var End = 0;
        var LoopCounter = 0;
        var ReturnList = '';
        var i = 0;
        var j = 0;

        GuessWords = new Array();
        AnswerWords = new Array();

        Guess = RemovePunctuation(Guess);
        Answer = RemovePunctuation(Answer);

        while (Guess.indexOf(' ', Start) > -1) {
                End = Guess.indexOf(' ', Start);
                GuessWords[LoopCounter] = Guess.substring(Start, End).toLowerCase();
                Start = End + 1;
        GuessWords[LoopCounter] = Guess.substring(Start, Guess.length).toLowerCase();

        Start = 0;
        LoopCounter = 0;

        while (Answer.indexOf(' ', Start) > -1) {
                End = Answer.indexOf(' ', Start);
                AnswerWords[LoopCounter] = Answer.substring(Start, End);
                Start = End + 1;
        AnswerWords[LoopCounter] = Answer.substring(Start, Answer.length);

        ReturnList = '';

        for (i = 0; i < GuessWords.length; i++){
                for (j = 0; j < AnswerWords.length; j++){

                        if (GuessWords[i] == AnswerWords[j].toLowerCase()){
                                ReturnList = ReturnList + AnswerWords[j] + ', ' ;
                                AnswerWords[j] = '';
        if (ReturnList.length > 0){
                ReturnList = ReturnList.substring(0, ReturnList.length - 2);
        return ReturnList;


function CalculateScore(){
	Score = 0;
	var DoneQs = 0;
	for (i=0; i<Status.length; i++){
		if (Status[i][0] == 1){
			Score += Status[i][4];
	Score = Math.floor((Score*100)/(DoneQs*10));
	return Score;

function CheckAnswer(ShowHint, QNum){

//if the question's already correct, exit gracefully
	if (Status[QNum][0] == 1){

	var Output = '';

//Get the guess, trim it, and translate it if necessary
	var Guess = TrimString(eval('BottomFrame.document.QForm' + QNum + '.Guess').value);

//Save the guess
	Status[QNum][3] = Guess;

	var RealGuess = Guess;

	if (CaseSensitive == false){
		Guess = Guess.toUpperCase();

	if (Guess.length < 1){

//Get the correct answers and put them into an array
	CorrectAs = new Array();
	RealAs = new Array();

	for (var i=0; i<I[QNum][1].length; i++){
		CorrectAs[i] = I[QNum][1][i][0];
		RealAs[i] = CorrectAs[i];
		if (CaseSensitive == false){
			CorrectAs[i] = CorrectAs[i].toUpperCase();

//Check each answer to see whether it's correct -- if so, set Status variables and exit
	var Right = -1;
	var OtherAnswers = '';
	for (i=0; i<CorrectAs.length; i++){
		if (Guess==CorrectAs[i]){Right = i;}else{OtherAnswers+=RealAs[i] + '<br />';};

	if (Right > -1){
		Status[QNum][0] = 1;
		Output = CorrectResponse + ' ';

		if (OtherAnswers.length > 0){
			Output += TheseAnswersToo + '<br />' + OtherAnswers;

//Get the score for this question
		var HintPenalty = (Status[QNum][2]*10)/CorrectAs[Right].length;
		Status[QNum][4]  = Math.floor((10 - Status[QNum][1]) - HintPenalty);

//Check whether the quiz is finished
		var Finished = true;
		for (var i=0; i<Status.length; i++){
			if (Status[i][0] == 0){Finished = false;}

//Calculate scores
		if ((Finished==true)||(ContinuousScoring==true)){
			var Score = CalculateScore();
			Output = Output + YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%. ';

		if (Finished == true){
			var CFT = 0;
			for (i=0; i<Status.length; i++){
				if ((Status[i][1] == 0)&&(Status[i][2] == 0)){
		Output += CorrectFirstTime + CFT + '/' + I.length;

//Jump to the next question text box if there is one
			if (QNum < I.length-1){
				if ((FocusBoxes==true)&&(ShowOneByOne == false)){
					eval('BottomFrame.document.QForm' + (QNum+1) + '.Guess').focus();

//else the answer wasn't right
	else {
//increment the tries or hint variable for that question
		if (ShowHint == false){Status[QNum][1]++;}else{Status[QNum][2]++;}

//Find which answer is closest
		CorrectBits = new Array();
		CorrectBits[0] = new Array(); //Beginning bits
		CorrectBits[1] = new Array(); //End bits
		CorrectBits[2] = new Array(); //Combined bits
		CorrectBits[3] = new Array(); //Hint (in case needed)

		for (i=0; i<CorrectAs.length; i++){
			CorrectBits[0][i] = CheckBeginning(Guess, CorrectAs[i]);
			if (CorrectBits[0][i].length > 0){
				CorrectBits[0][i] = RealAs[i].substring(0,CorrectBits[0][i].length);

			CorrectBits[1][i] = CheckEnd(Guess, CorrectAs[i]);
			if (CorrectBits[1][i].length > 0){
				CorrectBits[1][i] = RealAs[i].substring(RealAs[i].length-CorrectBits[1][i].length,RealAs[i].length);

			CorrectBits[2][i] = CorrectBits[0][i] + ' ... ' + CorrectBits[1][i];
			CorrectBits[3][i] = CorrectBits[0][i] + RealAs[i].charAt(CorrectBits[0][i].length);
			if (CorrectBits[3][i].charAt(CorrectBits[3][i].length-1) == ' '){
				CorrectBits[3][i] += RealAs[i].charAt(CorrectBits[3][i].length);
			CorrectBits[3][i] += '...'

		var LongestCorrect = FindLongest(CorrectBits[2]);
		if (CorrectBits[2][LongestCorrect].length > 5){
			Output = ThisMuchIsCorrect + '<br />' + CorrectBits[2][LongestCorrect];
			if (ShowHint == false){
				Output = IncorrectResponse;

//Include words found in the answer
		var FoundWords = CheckWords(Guess, CorrectAs[LongestCorrect]);

		if (FoundWords.length > 0){
			Output += '<br />' + TheseWordsAppear + FoundWords;

		if (ShowHint == true){
			Output += '<br />' + GiveHint + CorrectBits[3][LongestCorrect];
//Put the focus back in the box
		if (FocusBoxes==true){
			eval('BottomFrame.document.QForm' + (QNum) + '.Guess').focus();

function ShowAnswers(QNum){
//If the question isn't done, mark it as done. Score will be 0;
	Status[QNum][0] = 1;
	Status[QNum][1] = -1;
	Status[QNum][2] = -1;

//Get the correct answers and put them into a string
	var Output = TheseCorrect + '<br />';

	Output += I[QNum][1][0][0] + '<br />';

	for (var i=1; i<I[QNum][1].length; i++){
		Output += I[QNum][1][i][0] + '<br />';

//Add the current score
	Output += YourScoreIs + ' ' + CalculateScore() + '%. ';

	return true;

function Blank(){
	return '<html><body>&copy;Half-Baked Software. Loading...</body></html>';




<!--<body>Fool those dumb ad-inserting ISPs</body>-->

<!--For full XHTML 1.0 compatibility, remove the border and framespacing attributes.
These are required for proper display in current browsers, but render the document incompatible. Then, you'll need to add the appropriate Document Type Declaration; use
the W3C XHTML 1 frameset DTD.-->

<frameset rows="25%,*" framespacing="0" border="0" onload="StartUp()">
	<frame src="javascript:parent.Blank()" frameborder="0" name="TopFrame"></frame>
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