Les formes du verbe "avoir": Exercices
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} else { return ''; } } function FindLongest(InArray){ if (InArray.length < 1){return -1;} var Longest = 0; for (var i=1; i<InArray.length; i++){ if (InArray[i].length > InArray[Longest].length){ Longest = i; } } return Longest; } //UNICODE CHARACTER FUNCTIONS function IsCombiningDiacritic(CharNum){ var Result = (((CharNum >= 0x0300)&&(CharNum <= 0x370))||((CharNum >= 0x20d0)&&(CharNum <= 0x20ff))); Result = Result || (((CharNum >= 0x3099)&&(CharNum <= 0x309a))||((CharNum >= 0xfe20)&&(CharNum <= 0xfe23))); return Result; } function IsCJK(CharNum){ return ((CharNum >= 0x3000)&&(CharNum < 0xd800)); } //SETUP FUNCTIONS //BROWSER WILL REFILL TEXT BOXES FROM CACHE IF NOT PREVENTED function ClearTextBoxes(){ var NList = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i=0; i<NList.length; i++){ if ((NList[i].id.indexOf('Guess') > -1)||(NList[i].id.indexOf('Gap') > -1)){ NList[i].value = ''; } if (NList[i].id.indexOf('Chk') > -1){ NList[i].checked = ''; } } } //EXTENSION TO ARRAY OBJECT function Array_IndexOf(Input){ var Result = -1; for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++){ if (this[i] == Input){ Result = i; } } return Result; } Array.prototype.indexOf = Array_IndexOf; //IE HAS RENDERING BUG WITH BOTTOM NAVBAR function RemoveBottomNavBarForIE(){ if ((C.ie)&&(document.getElementById('Reading') != null)){ if (document.getElementById('BottomNavBar') != null){ document.getElementById('TheBody').removeChild(document.getElementById('BottomNavBar')); } } } //HOTPOTNET-RELATED CODE var HPNStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var SubmissionTimeout = 30000; var Detail = ''; //Global that is used to submit tracking data function Finish(){ //If there's a form, fill it out and submit it if (document.store != null){ Frm = document.store; Frm.starttime.value = HPNStartTime; Frm.endtime.value = (new Date()).getTime(); Frm.mark.value = Score; Frm.detail.value = Detail; Frm.submit(); } } //JCROSS CORE JAVASCRIPT CODE var InGap = false; var CurrentBox = null; var Feedback = ''; var AcrossCaption = ''; var DownCaption = ''; var Correct = 'Correct ! Bravo.'; var Incorrect = 'Vous avez commis une erreur.'; var GiveHint = 'Lettre correcte ajoutée :'; var YourScoreIs = 'Votre score est de:'; var BuiltGrid = ''; var BuiltExercise = ''; var Penalties = 0; var Score = 0; var InTextBox = false; var Locked = false; var TimeOver = false; var CaseSensitive = false; var InputStuff = '<form method="post" action="" onsubmit="return false;"><span class="ClueNum">[strClueNum]: </span>'; InputStuff += '[strClue] <input onfocus="CurrentBox=this;InTextBox=true;" onblur="InTextBox=false;" id="[strBoxId]" type="edit" size="[strEditSize]" maxlength="[strMaxLength]"></input>'; InputStuff += '<button class="FuncButton" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="EnterGuess([strParams])">Tapez votre réponse</button>'; InputStuff += '<button class="FuncButton" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="ShowHint([strParams])">Aide</button>'; InputStuff += '</form>'; var CurrBoxElement = null; var Finished = false; function StartUp(){ RemoveBottomNavBarForIE(); //Show a keypad if there is one (added bugfix for if (document.getElementById('CharacterKeypad') != null){ document.getElementById('CharacterKeypad').style.display = 'block'; } AcrossCaption = document.getElementById('CluesAcrossLabel').innerHTML; DownCaption = document.getElementById('CluesDownLabel').innerHTML; } function GetAnswerLength(Across,x,y){ Result = 0; if (Across == false){ while ((x<L.length)&&(L[x][y].length > 0)){ Result += L[x][y].length; x++; } return Result; } else{ while ((y<L[x].length)&&(L[x][y].length > 0)){ Result += L[x][y].length; y++; } return Result; } } function GetEditSize(Across,x,y){ var Len = GetAnswerLength(Across,x,y); if (IsCJK(L[x][y].charCodeAt(0))){ Len *= 2; } return Len; } function ShowClue(ClueNum,x,y){ var Result = ''; var Temp; var strParams; var Clue = document.getElementById('Clue_A_' + ClueNum); if (Clue != null){ Temp = InputStuff.replace(/\[ClueNum\]/g, ClueNum); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strClueNum\]/g, AcrossCaption + ' ' + ClueNum); strParams = 'true,' + ClueNum + ',' + x + ',' + y + ',\'[strBoxId]\''; Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strParams\]/g, strParams); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strBoxId\]/g, 'GA_' + ClueNum + '_' + x + '_' + y); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strEditSize\]/g, GetEditSize(true,x,y)); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strMaxLength\]/g, GetAnswerLength(true,x,y)); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strClue\]/g, Clue.innerHTML, Temp); Result += Temp; } Clue = document.getElementById('Clue_D_' + ClueNum); if (Clue != null){ Temp = InputStuff.replace(/\[ClueNum\]/g, ClueNum); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strClueNum\]/g, DownCaption + ' ' + ClueNum); strParams = 'false,' + ClueNum + ',' + x + ',' + y + ',\'[strBoxId]\''; Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strParams\]/g, strParams); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strBoxId\]/g, 'GD_' + ClueNum + '_' + x + '_' + y); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strEditSize\]/g, GetAnswerLength(false,x,y)); Temp = Temp.replace(/\[strClue\]/g, Clue.innerHTML, Temp); Result += Temp; } document.getElementById('ClueEntry').innerHTML = Result; } function EnterGuess(Across,ClueNum,x,y,BoxId){ if (document.getElementById(BoxId) != null){ var Guess = document.getElementById(BoxId).value; var AnsLength = GetAnswerLength(Across,x,y); EnterAnswer(Guess,Across,AnsLength,x,y); } } function SplitStringToPerceivedChars(InString, PC){ var Temp = InString.charAt(0); if (InString.length > 1){ for (var i=1; i<InString.length; i++){ if (IsCombiningDiacritic(InString.charCodeAt(i)) == true){ Temp += InString.charAt(i); } else{ PC.push(Temp); Temp = InString.charAt(i); } } } PC.push(Temp); } function EnterAnswer(Guess,Across,AnsLength,x,y){ var PC = new Array(); SplitStringToPerceivedChars(Guess, PC); var i=x; var j=y; var Letter = 0; while (Letter < AnsLength){ if (Letter < PC.length){ G[i][j] = PC[Letter]; if (document.getElementById('L_' + i + '_' + j) != null){ document.getElementById('L_' + i + '_' + j).innerHTML = PC[Letter]; } } if (Across == true){ j++; } else{ i++; } Letter++; } } function SetGridSquareValue(x,y,Val){ var GridId = 'L_' + x + '_' + y; if (document.getElementById(GridId) != null){ document.getElementById(GridId).innerHTML = Val; } } function ShowHint(Across,ClueNum,x,y,BoxId){ var i=x; var j=y; var LetterFromGuess = ''; var LetterFromKey = ''; var OutString = ''; if (Across==true){ while (j<L[i].length){ if (L[i][j] != ''){ OutString += L[i][j]; if (CaseSensitive == true){ LetterFromKey = L[i][j]; LetterFromGuess = G[i][j]; } else { LetterFromKey = L[i][j].toUpperCase(); LetterFromGuess = G[i][j].toUpperCase(); } if (LetterFromGuess != LetterFromKey){ // if (G[i][j] != L[i][j]){ G[i][j] = L[i][j]; Penalties++; break; } } else{ break; } j++; } } else{ while (i<L.length){ if (L[i][j] != ''){ OutString += L[i][j]; if (CaseSensitive == true){ LetterFromKey = L[i][j]; LetterFromGuess = G[i][j]; } else { LetterFromKey = L[i][j].toUpperCase(); LetterFromGuess = G[i][j].toUpperCase(); } if (LetterFromGuess != LetterFromKey){ // if (G[i][j] != L[i][j]){ G[i][j] = L[i][j]; Penalties++; break; } } else{ break; } i++; } } if (document.getElementById(BoxId) != null){ document.getElementById(BoxId).value = OutString; } } L = new Array(); L[0] = new Array('','','A','Y','E','Z','','','','',''); L[1] = new Array('','','V','','','','','','','',''); L[2] = new Array('A','','A','U','R','A','S','','','',''); L[3] = new Array('I','','I','','','Y','','','A','',''); L[4] = new Array('E','U','S','','','A','U','R','I','E','Z'); L[5] = new Array('','','','','','N','','','','U',''); L[6] = new Array('','','','O','N','T','','','','',''); CL = new Array(); CL[0] = new Array(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); CL[1] = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); CL[2] = new Array(2,0,3,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0); CL[3] = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0); CL[4] = new Array(6,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,8,0); CL[5] = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); CL[6] = new Array(0,0,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); G = new Array(); G[0] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); G[1] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); G[2] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); G[3] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); G[4] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); G[5] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); G[6] = new Array('','','','','','','','','','',''); function CheckAnswers(){ if (Locked == true){return;} var AllCorrect = true; var TotLetters = 0; var CorrectLetters = 0; var LetterFromKey = ''; var LetterFromGuess = ''; //Check each letter for (var i=0; i<L.length; i++){ for (var j=0; j<L[i].length; j++){ if (L[i][j] != ''){ TotLetters++; if (CaseSensitive == true) { LetterFromKey = L[i][j]; LetterFromGuess = G[i][j]; } else { LetterFromKey = L[i][j].toUpperCase(); LetterFromGuess = G[i][j].toUpperCase(); } if (LetterFromGuess != LetterFromKey){ G[i][j] = ''; //Blank that square in the grid SetGridSquareValue(i,j,''); AllCorrect = false; } else{ CorrectLetters++; } } } } Score = Math.floor(((CorrectLetters-Penalties) * 100)/TotLetters); if (Score < 0){Score = 0;} //Compile the output var Output = ''; if (AllCorrect == true){ Output = Correct + '<br />'; } Output += YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.<br />'; if (AllCorrect == false){ Output += Incorrect; Penalties++; } ShowMessage(Output); WriteToInstructions(Output); if ((AllCorrect == true)||(TimeOver == true)){ TimeOver = true; Locked = true; Finished = true; setTimeout('Finish()', SubmissionTimeout); } } function Finish(){ //If there's a form, fill it out and submit it if (document.store != null){ Frm = document.store; Frm.starttime.value = HPNStartTime; Frm.endtime.value = (new Date()).getTime(); Frm.mark.value = Score; Frm.submit(); } } function TypeChars(Chars){ if (CurrentBox != null){ CurrentBox.value += Chars; } } //--> //]]> </script> </head> <body onload="StartUp()" id="TheBody" > <!-- BeginTopNavButtons --> <div class="NavButtonBar" id="TopNavBar"> <button class="NavButton" onfocus="NavBtnOver(this)" onblur="NavBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="NavBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="NavBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="NavBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="NavBtnOut(this)" onclick="history.back(); return false;"><=</button> <button class="NavButton" onfocus="NavBtnOver(this)" onblur="NavBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="NavBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="NavBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="NavBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="NavBtnOut(this)" onclick="location='verben-fr-sp-it.html'; return false;"> Sommaire </button> </div> <!-- EndTopNavButtons --> <div class="Titles"> <h2 class="ExerciseTitle">Les formes du verbe 'avoir'</h2> <h3 class="ExerciseSubtitle">Mots-croisés</h3> </div> <div id="InstructionsDiv" class="StdDiv"> <div id="Instructions">Complétez la grille. Cliquez ensuite sur le bouton "Correction". Vous pouvez utiliser le bouton "Aide" pour obtenir une lettre indice. Cliquez sur un numéro dans la grille pour voir la définition correspondante. Vous pouvez cliquer "Indice" pour obtenir un indice. Vous perdrez des points si vous utilisez les fonctions "Aide" ou "Indice" !</div> </div> <div id="MainDiv" class="StdDiv"> <div class="Keypad" id="CharacterKeypad" style="float: left;"> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00C0'); return false;">À</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00E0'); return false;">à</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00C7'); return false;">Ç</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00E7'); return false;">ç</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00C9'); return false;">É</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00E9'); return false;">é</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00E8'); return false;">è</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00CA'); return false;">Ê</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00EA'); return false;">ê</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00EB'); return false;">ë</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00F4'); return false;">ô</button> <button onclick="TypeChars('\u00F9'); return false;">ù</button> </div> <div id="ClueEntry"> </div> <!-- This top button is hidden; uncomment it to reveal it. --> <!-- <button id="CheckButton1" class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="CheckAnswers()"> Correction </button> --> <table class="CrosswordGrid"> <tbody> <tr id="Row_0"><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(1,0,2)">1</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_0_2" onclick="ShowClue(1,0,2)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_0_3"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_0_4"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_0_5"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td></tr><tr id="Row_1"><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_1_2"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td></tr><tr id="Row_2"><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(2,2,0)">2</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_2_0" onclick="ShowClue(2,2,0)"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(3,2,2)">3</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_2_2" onclick="ShowClue(3,2,2)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_2_3"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_2_4"> </span></td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(4,2,5)">4</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_2_5" onclick="ShowClue(4,2,5)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_2_6"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td></tr><tr id="Row_3"><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_3_0"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_3_2"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_3_5"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(5,3,8)">5</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_3_8" onclick="ShowClue(5,3,8)"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td></tr><tr id="Row_4"><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(6,4,0)">6</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_4_0" onclick="ShowClue(6,4,0)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_4_1"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_4_2"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(7,4,5)">7</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_4_5" onclick="ShowClue(7,4,5)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_4_6"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_4_7"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_4_8"> </span></td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(8,4,9)">8</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_4_9" onclick="ShowClue(8,4,9)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_4_10"> </span></td></tr><tr id="Row_5"><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_5_5"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_5_9"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td></tr><tr id="Row_6"><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="NumLetterCell"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="GridNum" onclick="ShowClue(9,6,3)">9</a><span class="NumLetterCellText" id="L_6_3" onclick="ShowClue(9,6,3)"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_6_4"> </span></td><td class="LetterOnlyCell"><span id="L_6_5"> </span></td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td><td class="BlankCell"> </td></tr> </tbody> </table> <button id="CheckButton2" class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="CheckAnswers()"> Correction </button> <table id="Clues" style="display: none;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <table class="ClueList"> <tbody id="CluesAcross"> <tr><td colspan="2"><h3 class="ExerciseSubtitle" id="CluesAcrossLabel">Définitions horizontales :</h3></td></tr> <tr><td class="ClueNum">1. </td><td id="Clue_A_1" class="Clue">... la gentillesse de me répondre.</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">3. </td><td id="Clue_A_3" class="Clue">Sois sûr, tu ... ton diplôme.</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">6. </td><td id="Clue_A_6" class="Clue">Il nous a bien .... (avoir qn - <em>jem. reinlegen</em>)</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">7. </td><td id="Clue_A_7" class="Clue">...-vous un stylo pour moi ?</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">9. </td><td id="Clue_A_9" class="Clue">Qu'est-ce que les Martin ... comme voiture ? (présent)</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td> <table class="ClueList"> <tbody id="CluesDown"> <tr><td colspan="2"><h3 class="ExerciseSubtitle" id="CluesDownLabel">Définitions verticales :</h3></td></tr> <tr><td class="ClueNum">1. </td><td id="Clue_D_1" class="Clue">À ce moment-là, j'... l'esprit ailleurs.</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">2. </td><td id="Clue_D_2" class="Clue">N'... pas peur, Jeannette.</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">4. </td><td id="Clue_D_4" class="Clue">... travaillé toute la semaine, elle a voulu se défoncer. <em>(sich austoben</em>)</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">5. </td><td id="Clue_D_5" class="Clue">Je n'... pas le temps.</td></tr><tr><td class="ClueNum">8. </td><td id="Clue_D_8" class="Clue">J'ai eu la moto pour presque rien.</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="Feedback" id="FeedbackDiv"> <div class="FeedbackText" id="FeedbackContent"></div> <button id="FeedbackOKButton" class="FuncButton" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="HideFeedback(); return false;"> OK </button> </div> <!-- BeginBottomNavButtons --> <div class="NavButtonBar" id="BottomNavBar"> <button class="NavButton" onfocus="NavBtnOver(this)" onblur="NavBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="NavBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="NavBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="NavBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="NavBtnOut(this)" onclick="history.back(); return false;"><=</button> <button class="NavButton" onfocus="NavBtnOver(this)" onblur="NavBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="NavBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="NavBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="NavBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="NavBtnOut(this)" onclick="location='verben-fr-sp-it.html'; return false;"> Sommaire </button> </div> <!-- EndBottomNavButtons --> <!-- BeginSubmissionForm --> <!-- EndSubmissionForm --> </body> </html>