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text-align: center; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-color: #000000; width: 80%; } /* JCloze styles */ .ClozeWordList{ text-align: center; font-weight: bold; } div.ClozeBody{ text-align: left; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em; line-height: 2.0 } span.GapSpan{ font-weight: bold; } /* JCross styles */ table.CrosswordGrid{ margin: auto auto 1em auto; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0px; background-color: #000000; } table.CrosswordGrid tbody tr td{ width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 140%; padding: 1px; margin: 0px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000; color: #000000; } table.CrosswordGrid span{ color: #000000; } table.CrosswordGrid td.BlankCell{ background-color: #000000; color: #000000; } table.CrosswordGrid td.LetterOnlyCell{ text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; } table.CrosswordGrid td.NumLetterCell{ text-align: left; 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} } } //HOTPOTNET-RELATED CODE var HPNStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var SubmissionTimeout = 30000; var Detail = ''; //Global that is used to submit tracking data function Finish(){ //If there's a form, fill it out and submit it if ( != null){ Frm =; Frm.starttime.value = HPNStartTime; Frm.endtime.value = (new Date()).getTime(); Frm.mark.value = Score; Frm.detail.value = Detail; Frm.submit(); } } //JCLOZE CORE JAVASCRIPT CODE function ItemState(){ this.ClueGiven = false; this.HintsAndChecks = 0; this.MatchedAnswerLength = 0; this.ItemScore = 0; this.AnsweredCorrectly = false; this.Guesses = new Array(); return this; } var Feedback = ''; var Correct = 'Correcto! Muy bien!'; var Incorrect = 'Algunas respuestas son falsas!'; var GiveHint = 'Aquí está una nueva letra'; var CaseSensitive = false; var YourScoreIs = 'Tu resultado es '; var Finished = false; var Locked = false; var Score = 0; var CurrentWord = 0; var Guesses = ''; var TimeOver = false; I = new Array(); I[0] = new Array(); I[0][1] = new Array(); I[0][1][0] = new Array(); I[0][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u0065\u006E\u0065\u0073'; I[0][2]=''; I[1] = new Array(); I[1][1] = new Array(); I[1][1][0] = new Array(); I[1][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u00ED\u0073'; I[1][2]=''; I[2] = new Array(); I[2][1] = new Array(); I[2][1][0] = new Array(); I[2][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u006E\u0065'; I[2][2]=''; I[3] = new Array(); I[3][1] = new Array(); I[3][1][0] = new Array(); I[3][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u006E\u006F'; I[3][2]=''; I[4] = new Array(); I[4][1] = new Array(); I[4][1][0] = new Array(); I[4][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u006E\u0069\u0073\u0074\u0065\u0069\u0073'; I[4][2]=''; I[5] = new Array(); I[5][1] = new Array(); I[5][1][0] = new Array(); I[5][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u006E\u0069\u0065\u0072\u0061\u0073'; I[5][2]=''; I[6] = new Array(); I[6][1] = new Array(); I[6][1][0] = new Array(); I[6][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u006E\u0069\u00E9\u0072\u0061\u006D\u006F\u0073'; I[6][2]=''; I[7] = new Array(); I[7][1] = new Array(); I[7][1][0] = new Array(); I[7][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0069\u006E\u0069\u0065\u0072\u0061\u006E'; I[7][2]=''; I[8] = new Array(); I[8][1] = new Array(); I[8][1][0] = new Array(); I[8][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u0064\u0072\u00E9'; I[8][2]=''; I[9] = new Array(); I[9][1] = new Array(); I[9][1][0] = new Array(); I[9][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u0064\u0072\u00E1'; I[9][2]=''; I[10] = new Array(); I[10][1] = new Array(); I[10][1][0] = new Array(); I[10][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u0064\u0072\u00E9\u0069\u0073'; I[10][2]=''; I[11] = new Array(); I[11][1] = new Array(); I[11][1][0] = new Array(); I[11][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u00ED\u0061\u0073'; I[11][2]=''; I[12] = new Array(); I[12][1] = new Array(); I[12][1][0] = new Array(); I[12][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u00ED\u0061'; I[12][2]=''; I[13] = new Array(); I[13][1] = new Array(); I[13][1][0] = new Array(); I[13][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E\u00ED\u0061\u006D\u006F\u0073'; I[13][2]=''; I[14] = new Array(); I[14][1] = new Array(); I[14][1][0] = new Array(); I[14][1][0][0] = '\u0076\u0065\u006E'; I[14][2]=''; I[15] = new Array(); I[15][1] = new Array(); I[15][1][0] = new Array(); I[15][1][0][0] = '\u0056\u0065\u006E\u0067\u0061\u006E'; I[15][2]=''; State = new Array(); function StartUp(){ RemoveBottomNavBarForIE(); //Show a keypad if there is one (added bugfix for if (document.getElementById('CharacterKeypad') != null){ document.getElementById('CharacterKeypad').style.display = 'block'; } var i = 0; State.length = 0; for (i=0; i<I.length; i++){ State[i] = new ItemState(); } ClearTextBoxes(); } function ShowClue(ItemNum){ if (Locked == true){return;} State[ItemNum].ClueGiven = true; ShowMessage(I[ItemNum][2]); } function SaveCurrentAnswers(){ var Ans = ''; for (var i=0; i<I.length; i++){ Ans = GetGapValue(i); if ((Ans.length > 0)&&(Ans != State[i].Guesses[State[i].Guesses.length-1])){ State[i].Guesses[State[i].Guesses.length] = Ans; } } } function CompileGuesses(){ var F = document.getElementById('store'); if (F != null){ var Temp = '<?xml version="1.0"?><hpnetresult><fields>'; var GapLabel = ''; for (var i=0; i<State.length; i++){ GapLabel = 'Gap ' + (i+1).toString(); Temp += '<field><fieldname>' + GapLabel + '</fieldname>'; Temp += '<fieldtype>student-responses</fieldtype><fieldlabel>' + GapLabel + '</fieldlabel>'; Temp += '<fieldlabelid>JClozeStudentResponses</fieldlabelid><fielddata>'; for (var j=0; j<State[i].Guesses.length; j++){ if (j>0){Temp += '| ';} Temp += State[i].Guesses[j] + ' '; } Temp += '</fielddata></field>'; } Temp += '</fields></hpnetresult>'; Detail = Temp; } } function CheckAnswers(){ if (Locked == true){return;} SaveCurrentAnswers(); var AllCorrect = true; //Check each answer for (var i = 0; i<I.length; i++){ if (State[i].AnsweredCorrectly == false){ //If it's right, calculate its score if (CheckAnswer(i, true) > -1){ var TotalChars = GetGapValue(i).length; State[i].ItemScore = (TotalChars-State[i].HintsAndChecks)/TotalChars; if (State[i].ClueGiven == true){State[i].ItemScore /= 2;} if (State[i].ItemScore <0 ){State[i].ItemScore = 0;} State[i].AnsweredCorrectly = true; //Drop the correct answer into the page, replacing the text box SetCorrectAnswer(i, GetGapValue(i)); } else{ //Otherwise, increment the hints for this item, as a penalty State[i].HintsAndChecks++; //then set the flag AllCorrect = false; } } } //Calculate the total score var TotalScore = 0; for (i=0; i<State.length; i++){ TotalScore += State[i].ItemScore; } TotalScore = Math.floor((TotalScore * 100)/I.length); //Compile the output Output = ''; if (AllCorrect == true){ Output = Correct + '<br />'; } Output += YourScoreIs + ' ' + TotalScore + '%.<br />'; if (AllCorrect == false){ Output += Incorrect; } ShowMessage(Output); setTimeout('WriteToInstructions(Output)', 50); Score = TotalScore; CompileGuesses(); if ((AllCorrect == true)||(Finished == true)){ TimeOver = true; Locked = true; Finished = true; setTimeout('Finish()', SubmissionTimeout); } } function TrackFocus(BoxNumber){ CurrentWord = BoxNumber; InTextBox = true; } function LeaveGap(){ InTextBox = false; } function CheckBeginning(Guess, Answer){ var OutString = ''; var i = 0; var UpperGuess = ''; var UpperAnswer = ''; if (CaseSensitive == false) { UpperGuess = Guess.toUpperCase(); UpperAnswer = Answer.toUpperCase(); } else { UpperGuess = Guess; UpperAnswer = Answer; } while (UpperGuess.charAt(i) == UpperAnswer.charAt(i)) { OutString += Guess.charAt(i); i++; } OutString += Answer.charAt(i); return OutString; } function GetGapValue(GNum){ var RetVal = ''; if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return RetVal;} if (document.getElementById('Gap' + GNum) != null){ RetVal = document.getElementById('Gap' + GNum).value; RetVal = TrimString(RetVal); } else{ RetVal = State[GNum].Guesses[State[GNum].Guesses.length-1]; } return RetVal; } function SetGapValue(GNum, Val){ if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return;} if (document.getElementById('Gap' + GNum) != null){ document.getElementById('Gap' + GNum).value = Val; document.getElementById('Gap' + GNum).focus(); } } function SetCorrectAnswer(GNum, Val){ if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return;} if (document.getElementById('GapSpan' + GNum) != null){ document.getElementById('GapSpan' + GNum).innerHTML = Val; } } function FindCurrent() { var x = 0; FoundCurrent = -1; //Test the current word: //If its state is not set to already correct, check the word. if (State[CurrentWord].AnsweredCorrectly == false){ if (CheckAnswer(CurrentWord, false) < 0){ return CurrentWord; } } x=CurrentWord + 1; while (x<I.length){ if (State[x].AnsweredCorrectly == false){ if (CheckAnswer(x, false) < 0){ return x; } } x++; } x = 0; while (x<CurrentWord){ if (State[x].AnsweredCorrectly == false){ if (CheckAnswer(x, false) < 0){ return x; } } x++; } return FoundCurrent; } function CheckAnswer(GapNum, MarkAnswer){ var Guess = GetGapValue(GapNum); var UpperGuess = ''; var UpperAnswer = ''; if (CaseSensitive == false){ UpperGuess = Guess.toUpperCase(); } else{ UpperGuess = Guess; } var Match = -1; for (var i = 0; i<I[GapNum][1].length; i++){ if (CaseSensitive == false){ UpperAnswer = I[GapNum][1][i][0].toUpperCase(); } else{ UpperAnswer = I[GapNum][1][i][0]; } if (TrimString(UpperGuess) == UpperAnswer){ Match = i; if (MarkAnswer == true){ State[GapNum].AnsweredCorrectly = true; } } } return Match; } function GetHint(GapNum){ Guess = GetGapValue(GapNum); if (CheckAnswer(GapNum, false) > -1){return ''} RightBits = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<I[GapNum][1].length; i++){ RightBits[i] = CheckBeginning(Guess, I[GapNum][1][i][0]); } var RightOne = FindLongest(RightBits); var Result = I[GapNum][1][RightOne][0].substring(0,RightBits[RightOne].length); //Add another char if the last one is a space if (Result.charAt(Result.length-1) == ' '){ Result = I[GapNum][1][RightOne][0].substring(0,RightBits[RightOne].length+1); } return Result; } function ShowHint(){ if (document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv').style.display == 'block'){return;} if (Locked == true){return;} var CurrGap = FindCurrent(); if (CurrGap < 0){return;} var HintString = GetHint(CurrGap); if (HintString.length > 0){ SetGapValue(CurrGap, HintString); State[CurrGap].HintsAndChecks += 1; } ShowMessage(GiveHint); } function TypeChars(Chars){ var CurrGap = FindCurrent(); if (CurrGap < 0){return;} if (document.getElementById('Gap' + CurrGap) != null){ SetGapValue(CurrGap, document.getElementById('Gap' + CurrGap).value + Chars); } } //--> //]]> </script> </head> <body onload="StartUp()" id="TheBody" > <!-- BeginTopNavButtons --> <!-- EndTopNavButtons --> <div class="Titles"> <h2 class="ExerciseTitle">venir</h2> <h3 class="ExerciseSubtitle">Fülle die Lücken aus<br /></h3> </div> <div id="InstructionsDiv" class="StdDiv"> <div id="Instructions">Wenn du auf "Check" klickst, kannst du deine Antworten überprüfen. Wenn du Buchstaben als Hilfe <br /><br />brauchst, klicke auf "Ayuda": bei jedem Klick wird ein neuer Buchstaben hinzugefügt. Aber denke <br /><br />daran, dass die Hilfe dich Punkte kostet!</div> </div> <div id="MainDiv" class="StdDiv"> <!-- These top buttons hidden; reveal if required --> <!-- <button id="CheckButton1" class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="CheckAnswers()"> Mirar </button> <button class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="ShowHint()"> Ayuda </button> --> <div id="ClozeDiv"> <form id="Cloze" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return false;"> <div class="ClozeBody"> Presente: vengo <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan0"><input type="text" id="Gap0" onfocus="TrackFocus(0)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> viene venimos <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan1"><input type="text" id="Gap1" onfocus="TrackFocus(1)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> vienen<br /><br />Indefinido: <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan2"><input type="text" id="Gap2" onfocus="TrackFocus(2)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> viniste <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan3"><input type="text" id="Gap3" onfocus="TrackFocus(3)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> vinimos <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan4"><input type="text" id="Gap4" onfocus="TrackFocus(4)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="9"></input></span> vinieron<br /><br />Subjuntivo Pretérito imperfecto: viniera <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan5"><input type="text" id="Gap5" onfocus="TrackFocus(5)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="8"></input></span> viniera <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan6"><input type="text" id="Gap6" onfocus="TrackFocus(6)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="10"></input></span> vinierais <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan7"><input type="text" id="Gap7" onfocus="TrackFocus(7)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="8"></input></span> <br /><br />Futuro: <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan8"><input type="text" id="Gap8" onfocus="TrackFocus(8)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> vendrás <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan9"><input type="text" id="Gap9" onfocus="TrackFocus(9)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> vendremos <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan10"><input type="text" id="Gap10" onfocus="TrackFocus(10)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="8"></input></span> vendrán<br /><br />Pretérito imperfecto: venía <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan11"><input type="text" id="Gap11" onfocus="TrackFocus(11)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan12"><input type="text" id="Gap12" onfocus="TrackFocus(12)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span> <span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan13"><input type="text" id="Gap13" onfocus="TrackFocus(13)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="8"></input></span> veníais venían<br /><br />Imperativo: ¡<span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan14"><input type="text" id="Gap14" onfocus="TrackFocus(14)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span>! ¡Venid! ¡Venga! ¡<span class="GapSpan" id="GapSpan15"><input type="text" id="Gap15" onfocus="TrackFocus(15)" onblur="LeaveGap()" class="GapBox" size="6"></input></span>! </div> </form> </div> <button id="CheckButton2" class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="CheckAnswers()"> Mirar </button> <button class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="ShowHint()"> Ayuda </button> </div> <div class="Feedback" id="FeedbackDiv"> <div class="FeedbackText" id="FeedbackContent"></div> <button id="FeedbackOKButton" class="FuncButton" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="HideFeedback(); return false;"> OK </button> </div> <!-- BeginBottomNavButtons --> <!-- EndBottomNavButtons --> <!-- BeginSubmissionForm --> <!-- EndSubmissionForm --> </body> </html>