Schnupperfranzösisch: Land und Leute
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<html> <head> <meta name="title" content="Schnupperfranzsisch Land und Leute"> <meta name="keywords" content="littrature Literatur Unterricht Franzsisch enseignement Franais FLE Schnupperfranzsisch Land und Leute"> <meta name="description" content="Schnupperfranzsisch Land und Leute"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <!-- created with La Vouivre 2006 Fabien Olivry - Snakes and Ladders script by Birgit Ferran --> <title>Schnupperfranzsisch: Land und Leute</title> <style type="text/css"> #retour {position:absolute; left:530px; top:20px} #one {position: absolute; left:35px; top:520px; visibility:hidden; z-index:2} #two {position: absolute; left:60px; top:520px; visibility:hidden; z-index:2} #three {position: absolute; left:35px; top:495px; visibility:hidden; z-index:2} #four {position: absolute; left:60px; top:495px; visibility:hidden; z-index:2} #board {position: absolute; left:20px; top:20px; visibility:visible; z-index:1} #dice {position: absolute; left:530px; top:400px; width:200px; visibility:hidden; z-index:1} #questions{position: absolute; left:530px; top:190px; width:200px; visibility:visible; z-index:2; padding:6; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; border-width:4; border-style:ridge; border-color:#c0c0c0} #players {position: absolute; left:530px; top:120px; width:200px; visibility:visible; z-index:2; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #000000} #instructions{position: absolute; left:100px; top:100px; width:500px; visibility:visible; z-index:3; padding:10; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; border-width:4; border-style:ridge; border-color:#c0c0c0; background:white;} </style> <script language="JavaScript" SRC="pers.js"></SCRIPT> <script language="JavaScript"> //Snakes and Ladders script by Birgit Ferran ( More scripts for creating interactive language learning activities can be found on the web at //Please feel free to use and adapt this script but please leave this message intact. A link to EoiTeach would also be appreciated. //If you would like to share the activities you have created with other teachers, please send me an email with the URL of your activity. var lastQuestion1 = 'Beinahe geschafft, '; //player's name will go here var lastQuestion2 = '. Noch eine richtige Antwort, und du hast das Spiel gewonnen! '; var winner1 = 'Glckwunsch! '; //player's name will go here var winner2 = '! Du hast gewonnen!! \n Nochmal spielen! '; //Please leave in the \n. It will put the text that follows on a new line. var anotherTurn = 'Du darfst noch einmal wrfeln, '; //player's name will go here var wellDone = 'Gut gemacht, '; //player's name will go here var pleaseAnswer = 'Du musst die Frage beantworten, '; //player's name will go here var sorryMsg = 'Schade, das stimmt nicht. \n '; //your feedback will go here. (Please leave in the \n. It will put the text that follows on a new line.) var howMany = 'Wie viele Spieler?'; var ask4Name = 'Trage deinen Namen ein , '; var instructions='<h3 align="center">Spielregeln</h3>'; instructions +='<ul><li>Gib die Zahl der Spieler an.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Wrfele und beantworte die Fragen.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Wenn deine Lsung falsch ist, gehst du in das Feld zurck, aus dem du kamst.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du an den Fu einer Leiter und antwortest richtig, steigst du an die Spitze der Leiter.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du auf den Kopf einer Schlange und antwortest falsch, rutschst auf die Schwanzspitze hinunter.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du auf ein Feld mit einer Sonne oder einer zusammengerollten Schlange und antwortest richtig, kannst du noch einmal wrfeln. Aber wenn du falsch antwortest, musst du ins FELD 1 zurck.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Der Spieler, der als erster auf das FELD 64 kommt und die Frage richtig beantwortet, ist der Gewinner.</li></ul>'; instructions +='<form>'; instructions +='<p align="center">Viel Glck!<br> Viel Spa!'; var instructions='<h3 align="center">Spielregeln</h3>'; instructions +='<ul><li>Gib die Zahl der Spieler an.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Wrfele und beantworte die Fragen.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Wenn deine Lsung falsch ist, gehst du in das Feld zurck, aus dem du kamst.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du an den Fu einer Leiter und antwortest richtig, steigst du an die Spitze der Leiter.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du auf den Kopf einer Schlange und antwortest falsch, rutschst auf die Schwanzspitze hinunter.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du auf ein Feld mit einer Sonne oder einer zusammengerollten Schlange und antwortest richtig, kannst du noch einmal wrfeln. Aber wenn du falsch antwortest, musst du ins FELD 1 zurck.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Der Spieler, der als erster auf das FELD 64 kommt und die Frage richtig beantwortet, ist der Gewinner.</li></ul>'; instructions +='<form>'; instructions +='<p align="center">Viel Glck!<br> Viel Spa!'; var instructions='<h3 align="center">Spielregeln</h3>'; instructions +='<ul><li>Gib die Zahl der Spieler an.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Wrfele und beantworte die Fragen.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Wenn deine Lsung falsch ist, gehst du in das Feld zurck, aus dem du kamst.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du an den Fu einer Leiter und antwortest richtig, steigst du an die Spitze der Leiter.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du auf den Kopf einer Schlange und antwortest falsch, rutschst auf die Schwanzspitze hinunter.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Kommst du auf ein Feld mit einer Sonne oder einer zusammengerollten Schlange und antwortest richtig, kannst du noch einmal wrfeln. Aber wenn du falsch antwortest, musst du ins FELD 1 zurck.</li>'; instructions +='<li>Der Spieler, der als erster auf das FELD 64 kommt und die Frage richtig beantwortet, ist der Gewinner.</li></ul>'; instructions +='<form>'; instructions +='<p align="center">Viel Glck!<br> Viel Spa!'; var player = 'Spieler'; var players = 'Spieler'; var currentPlayerHeading = 'Spieler'; var rollingDice = 'Der Wrfel rollt...'; var pleaseRoll = 'Wrfeln'; var startGame = 'Spiel beginnen'; var seeInstructions = 'Spielregeln'; var ie = (document.all)?true:false; var ns4 = (document.layers)?true:false; var ns6 = ((document.getElementById)?true:false) && !ie; function refPlayer(name){ if (ie) {return eval('document.all.'+name+'.style');} if (ns4) {return document.layers[name];} if (ns6 && !ie) {return eval('document.getElementById("'+name+'").style');} } function capaON(name){ refPlayer(name).visibility = 'visible'; } function capaOFF(name){ refPlayer(name).visibility = 'hidden'; } function writetolayer(name,txt) { if (ie) { document.all[name].innerHTML = txt; } if (ns4) { document[name].document.write(txt); document[name].document.close(); } if (ns6) { over = document.getElementById([name]); range = document.createRange(); range.setStartBefore(over); domfrag = range.createContextualFragment(txt); while (over.hasChildNodes()) { over.removeChild(over.lastChild); } over.appendChild(domfrag); } } //Global variables var p1x=35; var p1y=520; var p2x=60; var p2y=520; var p3x=35; var p3y=495; var p4x=60; var p4y=495; var d1; var headback; var ctr=0; var goOnMoving=true; var possibleWinner=false; var qIdx = 0; var totalquestions=0; var nextQ = ''; var answered; var numPlayers = 1; var nextPlayer=false; var Player1=''; var Player2=''; var Player3=''; var Player4=''; //Function which defines which layer is moved where function whichX(){ if(currentPlayer=="one"){return p1x} if(currentPlayer=="two"){return p2x} if(currentPlayer=="three"){return p3x} if(currentPlayer=="four"){return p4x} } function whichY(){ if(currentPlayer=="one"){return p1y} if(currentPlayer=="two"){return p2y} if(currentPlayer=="three"){return p3y} if(currentPlayer=="four"){return p4y} } function showPlayer(name){ refPlayer(name).left = whichX(); refPlayer(name).top = whichY(); } function mouCapa(){ var currenty=whichY(); if(currenty==520||currenty==400||currenty==280||currenty==160||currenty==495||currenty==375||currenty==255||currenty==135) mouCapaRight() else mouCapaLeft() } function mouCapaRight(){ var currentx=whichX(); if(currentx<455){ moveforward(); } else{ moveup(); } showPlayer(currentPlayer); d1--; if(d1>0){ setTimeout("mouCapa()", 150); } else{ buildQuestion(); } } function mouCapaLeft(){ var currentx=whichX(); var currenty=whichY(); if(currenty==100||currenty==75) {if(currentx==95||currentx==120) {writetolayer('questions',lastQuestion1 + who() + lastQuestion2) d1=0; possibleWinner=true; } } if(currentx>94){ moveback(); } else{ moveup(); } showPlayer(currentPlayer); d1--; if(d1>0){ setTimeout("mouCapa()", 150); } else{ buildQuestion(); } } function moveforward(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x += 60; break; case "two": p2x += 60; break; case "three": p3x += 60; break; case "four": p4x += 60; break; } } function moveback(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x -= 60; break; case "two": p2x -= 60; break; case "three": p3x -= 60; break; case "four": p4x -= 60; break; } } function movedown(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1y += 60; break; case "two": p2y += 60; break; case "three": p3y += 60; break; case "four": p4y += 60; break; } } function moveup(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1y -= 60; break; case "two": p2y -= 60; break; case "three": p3y -= 60; break; case "four": p4y -= 60; break; } } //When the student answers a question correctly function ladders(){ if(possibleWinner==true) {var newGame = confirm(winner1 + who() + winner2); if(newGame == true) location.reload();} var currentx=whichX(); var currenty=whichY(); if(currentx==155||currentx==180){ if(currenty==520||currenty==495){ ladderOne(); } } if(currentx==455||currentx==480){ if(currenty==400||currenty==375){ ladderTwo(); } } if(currentx==215||currentx==240){ if(currenty==340||currenty==315){ ladderThree(); } } if(currentx==35||currentx==60){ if(currenty==220||currenty==195){ ladderFour(); } } if(currentx==35||currentx==60){ if(currenty==460||currenty==435){ extraTurn(); } } if(currentx==335||currentx==360){ if(currenty==100||currenty==75){ extraTurn(); } } if(currentx==335||currentx==360){ if(currenty==220||currenty==195){ extraTurn(); } } if(currentx==215||currentx==240){ if(currenty==160||currenty==135){ extraTurn(); } } stayPut(); } function ladderOne(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=95; p1y=400; break; case "two": p2x=120; p2y=400; break; case "three": p3x=95; p3y=375; break; case "four": p4x=120; p4y=375; break; } } function ladderTwo(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=395; p1y=280; break; case "two": p2x=420; p2y=280; break; case "three": p3x=395; p3y=255; break; case "four": p4x=420; p4y=255; break; } } function ladderThree(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=275; p1y=160; break; case "two": p2x=300; p2y=160; break; case "three": p3x=275; p3y=135; break; case "four": p4x=300; p4y=135; break; } } function ladderFour(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=95; p1y=100; break; case "two": p2x=120; p2y=100; break; case "three": p3x=95; p3y=75; break; case "four": p4x=120; p4y=75; break; } } function extraTurn(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": extraTurn1(); break; case "two": extraTurn2(); break; case "three": extraTurn3(); break; case "four": extraTurn4(); break; } } function extraTurn1(){ alert(anotherTurn+ '' +Player1+' !') currentPlayer="four"; document.current.player.value="four"; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player4.gif"; } function extraTurn2(){ alert(anotherTurn+ '' +Player2+' !') currentPlayer="one"; document.current.player.value="one"; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player1.gif"; } function extraTurn3(){ alert(anotherTurn+ '' +Player3+' !') currentPlayer="two"; document.current.player.value="two"; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player2.gif"; } function extraTurn4(){ alert(anotherTurn+ '' +Player4+' !') currentPlayer="three"; document.current.player.value="three"; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player3.gif"; } //When the student answers a question incorrectly function snakes(){ startOver(); var snake=1; var currentx=whichX(); var currenty=whichY(); if(goOnMoving==true){ if(currentx==155||currentx==180){ if(currenty==400||currenty==375){ snakeOne(); snake=0; } } if(currentx==335||currentx==360){ if(currenty==340||currenty==315){ snakeTwo(); snake=0; } } if(currentx==395||currentx==420){ if(currenty==100||currenty==75){ snakeThree(); snake=0; } } if(currentx==155||currentx==180){ if(currenty==100||currenty==75){ snakeFour(); snake=0; } } if(snake==1) goBackCapa(); } } function stayPut(){ showPlayer(currentPlayer); goOnMoving=false; changePlayer(); } function startOver(){ var currentx=whichX(); var currenty=whichY(); if(currentx==35||currentx==60){ if(currenty==460||currenty==435){ toFirstSquare() } } if(currentx==335||currentx==360){ if(currenty==100||currenty==75){ toFirstSquare() } } if(currentx==335||currentx==360){ if(currenty==220||currenty==195){ toFirstSquare() } } if(currentx==215||currentx==240){ if(currenty==160||currenty==135){ toFirstSquare() } } } function snakeOne(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=275; p1y=520; break; case "two": p2x=300; p2y=520; break; case "three": p3x=275; p3y=495; break; case "four": p4x=300; p4y=495; break; } stayPut(); } function snakeTwo(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=455; p1y=520; break; case "two": p2x=480; p2y=520; break; case "three": p3x=455; p3y=495; break; case "four": p4x=480; p4y=495; break; } stayPut(); } function snakeThree(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=455; p1y=220; break; case "two": p2x=480; p2y=220; break; case "three": p3x=455; p3y=195; break; case "four": p4x=480; p4y=195; break; } stayPut(); } function snakeFour(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=35; p1y=340; break; case "two": p2x=60; p2y=340; break; case "three": p3x=35; p3y=315; break; case "four": p4x=60; p4y=315; break; } stayPut(); } function toFirstSquare(){ switch (currentPlayer){ case "one": p1x=35; p1y=520; break; case "two": p2x=60; p2y=520; break; case "three": p3x=35; p3y=495; break; case "four": p4x=60; p4y=495; break; } stayPut(); } function goBackCapa(){ var currenty=whichY(); if(currenty==520||currenty==400||currenty==280||currenty==160||currenty==495||currenty==375||currenty==255||currenty==135) goBackCapaLeft() else goBackCapaRight() } function goBackCapaRight(){ var currentx=whichX(); if(currentx<455){ moveforward(); } else{ movedown(); } showPlayer(currentPlayer); headback--; if(headback>0){ setTimeout("goBackCapa()", 150); } else stayPut(); } function goBackCapaLeft(){ var currentx=whichX(); if(currentx>94){ moveback(); } else{ movedown(); } showPlayer(currentPlayer); headback--; if(headback>0){ setTimeout("goBackCapa()", 150); } else stayPut(); } //Sets the number of players function howManyPlayers(n){ capaON("one") Player1=prompt(ask4Name+player+'1',player+'1') if(n>=2){ capaON("two") Player2=prompt(ask4Name+player+'2',player+'2')} else{ capaOFF("two") } if(n>=3){ capaON("three") Player3=prompt(ask4Name+player+'3',player+'3')} else{ capaOFF("three") } if(n>=4){ capaON("four") Player4=prompt(ask4Name+player+'4',player+'4')} else{ capaOFF("four") } capaON("dice") numPlayers=n; } //Dice Roller Script by Brian Gosselin //I have modified it so it works with just one die instead of two var images=new Array(); for(i=0;i<=6;i++){ images[i]=new Image(); images[i].src='dice'+i+'.gif'; } function rolldice(){ if(answered==0){ remindPlayer(); } else{ document.f.t.value=''; document.f.b.value= rollingDice; if(ctr<6){ showdice(); ctr++; setTimeout('rolldice()',150); }else{ ctr=0; showdice(); document.f.t.value=d1; document.f.b.value= pleaseRoll; goOnMoving=true; possibleWinner=false; mouCapa(); } } } function showdice(){ d1=Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); headback=d1; document.images['d1'].src='dice'+d1+'.gif'; } //This part of the script deals with the questions //It is based on an example of an online test which can be found in O'Reilly's JavaScript Application Cookbook function shuffle() { totalquestions=units.length; for (var i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * units.length); var tempUnit = units[i]; units[i] = units[j]; units[j] = tempUnit; } } function buildQuestion() { nextQ = '<form><B>' + units[qIdx].question + '</B><BR><BR>'; if (units[qIdx].a != "") { nextQ=nextQ+'<input type="radio" value="a" onclick="gradeTesta()">' + units[qIdx].a + '<BR>'; } if (units[qIdx].b != "") { nextQ=nextQ+'<input type="radio" value="b" onclick="gradeTestb()">' + units[qIdx].b + '<BR>'; } if (units[qIdx].c != "") { nextQ=nextQ+'<input type="radio" value="c" onclick="gradeTestc()">' + units[qIdx].c + '<BR>'; } if (units[qIdx].d != "") { nextQ=nextQ+'<input type="radio" value="d" onclick="gradeTestd()">' + units[qIdx].d + '<BR>'; } qIdx++; writetolayer('questions',nextQ) answered=0; } function gradeTesta() { if (units[qIdx-1].answer == "a") { congratulatePlayer(); ladders(); } else{ sorry(); snakes(); } answered=1; if (qIdx==totalquestions) { qIdx=0; } } function gradeTestb() { if (units[qIdx-1].answer == "b") { congratulatePlayer(); ladders(); } else{ sorry(); snakes(); } answered=1; if (qIdx==totalquestions) { qIdx=0; } } function gradeTestc() { if (units[qIdx-1].answer == "c") { congratulatePlayer(); ladders(); } else{ sorry(); snakes(); } answered=1; if (qIdx==totalquestions) { qIdx=0; } } function gradeTestd() { if (units[qIdx-1].answer == "d") { congratulatePlayer(); ladders(); } else{ sorry(); snakes(); } answered=1; if (qIdx==totalquestions) { qIdx=0; } } function who(){ if(currentPlayer=="one"){return Player1} if(currentPlayer=="two"){return Player2} if(currentPlayer=="three"){return Player3} if(currentPlayer=="four"){return Player4} } function congratulatePlayer(){ writetolayer('questions','<h2 align="center">'+wellDone+'<br>'+who()+'!</h2>') } function remindPlayer(){ alert(pleaseAnswer+who()) } function sorry(){ writetolayer('questions',sorryMsg+'<br>'+(units[qIdx-1].support)); } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" onload="shuffle()"> <!--<div id="retour"><input type="button" name="retour" value="" onClick="window.location.replace('index.html')"></div>--> <div align="right"><img src="/icons/icon_linkintern.gif" alt="" title="" width="12" height="9"> <a href="galliz.html" title="Galgenmnnchen">Nchstes Quiz</a> </div> <div id="players"> <script language="JavaScript"> document.write('<form name="current"><input type="hidden" name="player" value="one"><center><br>'); document.write(currentPlayerHeading); document.write('<img name="currentplayer" src="player1.gif"></center></form>'); </script> </div> <div id="board"><img src="board.gif" width="500" height="536"></div> <div id="one"><img src="player1.gif" width="22" height="23"></div> <div id="two"><img src="player2.gif" width="22" height="23"></div> <div id="three"><img src="player3.gif" width="22" height="23"></div> <div id="four"><img src="player4.gif" width="22" height="23"></div> <div id="instructions"> <script language="JavaScript"> document.write(instructions+'<br><br><input type="button" value="'+startGame+'" onClick="capaOFF(\'instructions\')"></form></p>') </script> </div> <div id="questions"> <script language="JavaScript"> document.writeln('<form><center><br>'+howMany+'</center><br>'); document.writeln('<input type="radio" onclick="howManyPlayers(1)"> 1 ' +player+ '<BR>'); document.writeln('<input type="radio" onclick="howManyPlayers(2)"> 2 '+players+'<BR>'); document.writeln('<input type="radio" onclick="howManyPlayers(3)"> 3 '+players+'<BR>'); document.writeln('<input type="radio" onclick="howManyPlayers(4)"> 4 '+players+'<BR></FORM>'); </script> </div> <div id="dice"> <script language="JavaScript"> document.writeln('<table width="200" border="0"><tr><td><form name="f"><center><img src="dice1.gif" name="d1"><br>'); document.writeln('<input type="hidden" size="2" value="" name="t" readonly onClick="document.f.b.focus()" onSelect="document.f.b.focus()"><br>'); document.writeln('<input type="button" name="b" value="'+pleaseRoll+'" onClick="rolldice()"><br><br>'); document.writeln('<input type="button" value="'+seeInstructions+'" onClick="capaON(\'instructions\')"></center></form></td></tr></table>'); </script> </div> <script language="JavaScript"> var currentPlayer=document.current.player.value; function changePlayer(){ if (currentPlayer=="one" && numPlayers>1) {currentPlayer="two"; document.current.player.value=currentPlayer; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player2.gif";} else{ if (currentPlayer=="two" && numPlayers>2) {currentPlayer="three"; document.current.player.value=currentPlayer; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player3.gif";} else{ if (currentPlayer=="three" && numPlayers>3) {currentPlayer="four"; document.current.player.value=currentPlayer; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player4.gif";} else{ currentPlayer="one"; document.current.player.value=currentPlayer; document.images['currentplayer'].src="player1.gif"; } } } } </script> </body> </html>