Monumenti (Flashcards neu)
Monumenti (Flashcards)
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onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="ShowItem()">Successiva</button> <button class="FuncButton" onmouseover="FuncBtnOver(this)" onfocus="FuncBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="FuncBtnOut(this)" onblur="FuncBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="FuncBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="FuncBtnOut(this)" onclick="DeleteItem()">Annulla</button> </div> <table class="FlashcardTable" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody id="Questions"> <tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_0"><td id="L_0"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/alberobello.jpg" alt="alberobello.jpg" title="alberobello" width="400" height="300"></img><br /></td><td id="R_0">I trulli di Alberobello</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_1"><td id="L_1"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/castel.jpg" alt="castel.jpg" title="castel" width="400" height="300"></img></td><td id="R_1">Il Castel del Monte, Puglia</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_2"><td id="L_2"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/colosseo.jpg" alt="colosseo.jpg" title="colosseo" width="400" height="264"></img></td><td id="R_2">Il Colosseo, Roma</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_3"><td id="L_3"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/fontanatrevi.jpg" alt="fontanatrevi.jpg" title="fontanatrevi" width="400" height="264"></img></td><td id="R_3">La Fontana di Trevi, Roma</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_4"><td id="L_4"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/giulietta.jpg" alt="giulietta.jpg" title="giulietta" width="200" height="300"></img></td><td id="R_4">La casa di Giulietta, Verona</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_5"><td id="L_5"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/sanmarco.jpg" alt="sanmarco.jpg" title="sanmarco" width="400" height="264"></img></td><td id="R_5">La basilica di San Marco, Venezia</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_6"><td id="L_6"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/matera.jpg" alt="matera.jpg" title="matera" width="400" height="300"></img></td><td id="R_6">I sassi di Matera</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_7"><td id="L_7"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/milanoduomo.jpg" alt="milanoduomo.jpg" title="milanoduomo" width="400" height="272"></img></td><td id="R_7">Il Duomo di Milano</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_8"><td id="L_8"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/mole.jpg" alt="mole.jpg" title="mole" width="200" height="266"></img></td><td id="R_8">La Mole Antonelliana, Torino</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_9"><td id="L_9"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/napoli.jpg" alt="napoli.jpg" title="napoli" width="400" height="264"></img></td><td id="R_9">Il Maschio Angioino, Napoli</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_10"><td id="L_10"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/petersdom.jpg" alt="petersdom.jpg" title="petersdom" width="400" height="300"></img></td><td id="R_10">La basilica di San Pietro, Roma</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_11"><td id="L_11"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/piazzaspagna.jpg" alt="piazzaspagna.jpg" title="piazzaspagna" width="400" height="264"></img></td><td id="R_11">Piazza di Spagna, Roma</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_12"><td id="L_12"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/pisao.jpg" alt="pisao.jpg" title="pisao" width="200" height="266"></img></td><td id="R_12">La torre pendente, Pisa</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_13"><td id="L_13"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/pompeji.jpg" alt="pompeji.jpg" title="pompeji" width="400" height="300"></img></td><td id="R_13">Gli scavi di Pompeji</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_14"><td id="L_14"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/pontevecchi.jpg" alt="pontevecchi.jpg" title="pontevecchi" width="400" height="300"></img></td><td id="R_14">Il Ponte Vecchio, Firenze</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_15"><td id="L_15"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/rialto.jpg" alt="rialto.jpg" title="rialto" width="400" height="300"></img><br /><br /></td><td id="R_15">Il Ponte di Rialto, Venezia</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_16"><td id="L_16"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/santantonio.jpg" alt="santantonio.jpg" title="santantonio" width="400" height="280"></img></td><td id="R_16">La basilica di Sant'Antonio, Padova</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_17"><td id="L_17"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/siena.jpg" alt="siena.jpg" title="siena" width="400" height="268"></img></td><td id="R_17">Piazza del Campo, Siena</td></tr><tr class="FlashcardRow" id="I_18"><td id="L_18"><img src="Monumenti-Bilder/arena.jpg" alt="arena.jpg" title="arena" width="400" height="268"></img></td><td id="R_18">L'Arena, Verona</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- BeginBottomNavButtons --> <div class="NavButtonBar" id="BottomNavBar"> <button class="NavButton" onfocus="NavBtnOver(this)" onblur="NavBtnOut(this)" onmouseover="NavBtnOver(this)" onmouseout="NavBtnOut(this)" onmousedown="NavBtnDown(this)" onmouseup="NavBtnOut(this)" onclick="location='indice.html'; return false;"> Quellennachweise der Fotos und Urheberrechte </button> </div> <!-- EndBottomNavButtons --> 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